It’s time to celebrate a new decade and welcome in 2020 — Take your YogaKids on a trip through 2019 and into 2020 through movement with this FREE New Years Lesson Plan from YogaKids! It’s the perfect teaching tool for the home, studio or classroom. Help your little Yogis set good intentions for the new year.
AGE GROUP: 3-6, 7-11
MATERIALS: music, construction paper, crayons/markers, black fine tip markers, white craft glue or glue stick, scissors, magnet strip (optional)
SHORT DESCRIPTION/TOPIC: To celebrate the passing year, and the beginning of a new one and to set positive intentions (resolutions).
DISCUSSION POINTS: We are going to take a journey through 2019, and experience some of the highlights of the year. We will also welcome in 2020, and set intentions for a good year.
CONNECTING CIRCLE: Sit in easy sit and do torso circles while you sing the Welcome Song (sung to the tune of London Bridge is Falling Down)
Welcome to YogaKids, YogaKids, YogaKids,
Welcome to YogaKids
We’re so glad you’re here!
Musical Musings
YogaKids Pledge:
“I will stay on my mat!”
“I will keep my hands and my feet to myself”
“I will always do my best”
(Include any pledges that would be appropriate for your group)
Peace Breath – Hoping for peace in the coming year; send peace to the circle, to your town, to the world. (Inhale and on the exhale quietly say the word “peace”) Quiet Quests
Sun rise/Sun set – The sun rose on a January 1st day 2019, one year ago. (Sit on your heels with hands by the right foot, rise up, lift the arms up and drop over to the left side) Ecological Echoes
Sun Salutation – Play Walking on Sunshine by Katrina and the Waves and teach any variety of Sun salutations you like appropriate for your group. Musical Musings
January brought snow, and cold winds, we warmed our noses with Polar Bear Pose. (Child’s pose – make a cup out of the hands and bury the nose in the hands) Ecological Echoes
Fun Polar Bear Facts
- Polar bears are not white, the hair of a polar bear is actually transparent, and reflects light.
- They’re great swimmers and spend a lot of time in the water, some scientists classify them as marine mammals.
- They have tantrums. Experts have observed frustrated polar bears throw chunks of ice, kick piles of snow or growl in disappointment after losing prey they’ve been trying to catch.
February came and we celebrated Valentines Day by spending time with people we love.
Partner Pose – Sit and Twist (Sit cross-legged in front of your partner with your knees touching. Put your right arm behind your back, reach out with your left hand and grab your partner’s right hand. turn away from your partner, twist your spine, and look over your right shoulder. Unfurl and change sides. Bridge of Diamonds
March brings a celebration of St. Patrick’s Day. We looked for the pot of gold at the end of the rainbow. Rainbow Pose (side plank lift up the hip and drop the head making a rainbow shape, modify with knee down) Ecological Echoes
Fun facts to share about rainbows,
- “Roy G. Biv” is a way to remember the colors of the rainbow; red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo and violet.
- Rainbows have relaxing and healing qualities and are the universal symbol of peace and harmony
In April we celebrate the rain, and the blossoming plants and flowers with Acorn to tree – Tap on the backs of each child while they are in acorn (Child’s Pose) to symbolize the rain, once they are tapped, they grow into a tree (Tree Pose). Ecological Echoes and We all Win
We Reach for the Sun and welcome in May (Reach the right arm up, bring it to the solar plexus as you say “Ha”, repeat left) Bring the warm energy of the sun into your own energy center. Ecological Echoes
In June we go for a Boat ride on the lake. (lean back, lift the feet of the floor and balance, circle the arms and pretend to row your boat.) Share fun facts about muscles. Awesome Anatomy
- The largest muscle is the gluteus maximus, the muscles of the buttocks.
- One of our strongest muscles is the tongue
In July we celebrate the birth of our country, The United States of America
Happy Birthday Candle Series (Easy sit to plough to shoulder stand, back to easy sit) Have the children hold their shoulder stand, and let each child blow out the candles. Have the student’s count the candles as they blow them out. Older students can count by 5’s or 10’s. Math Medley
In August we head to the sea shore for vacation where we find many fun sea creatures:
Crab – crabs have been around since the Jurassic period, 200 million years ago. (walk sideways on hands and feet, like a crab)
Seal – Because they can spend months at sea, seals can sleep underwater. (from sitting, click heels together, roll back and click the heels and “Arf Arf” like a seal) Laughing Language, Ecological Echoes, Math Medley
In September we head back to school, and greet old friends we haven’t seen all summer Namaste – (bow to each child in the circle and say “Namaste”) Bridge of Diamonds
In October we celebrate Halloween.
Pumpkin – A French explorer in 1584 first called pumpkins “gross melons,” which was translated into English as “pompions”. (roll like a ball using your fingers on the top of your head as a pumpkin’s stem.) Poses as Pathways, Laughing Language
In November we celebrate Thanksgiving, and give thanks for all that we have to be grateful for. Let each child share something they are thankful for. Bridge of Diamonds
December is the time to celebrate New Year’s Eve with Party Blower Breath (have the children pretend to blow slowly into a party blower, and take several silent breaths) Quiet Quests
It is time to set some resolutions for the new year. Resolution Magnet Visual Vignette
How to make it: Cut a sheet of white construction paper in half. Across the top write “I RESOLVE”. Choose your resolution (i.e. “to keep my room clean”). Draw a colorful picture depicting your resolution below the words. Glue your artwork to a piece of construction paper. Glue a magnet strip to the back of your resolution art and hang on the refrigerator.
Relaxation and guided visualization – Take the class on a journey of the past year, ask them to think of an experience they had that they really enjoyed. Have the students re-live that experience. Ask the students to share their experience if they wish. Quiet Quests
Fountain of Oms (Chant several “Om’s”) Quiet Quests