“I felt that incorporating yoga into what I do as a speech-language pathologist was something that could open so many doors for the children who I work with. I researched different yoga programs and came across YogaKids. It looked like the best program out there, so I signed up for the Foundations course. It was an incredible experience.

I had never seen a yoga class for children in action, so it was very eye opening- it is MUCH different than an adult class! Krista, our trainer, was so knowledgeable and inspiring, and watching her teach a class was very helpful! The 14 YogaKids Elements provided a framework to teach a class to all kids of learners, whether that be visual, tactile, auditory or kinaesthetic. Having the opportunity to work with the other participants in the course was very educational as well, since there were women there who were teachers and mothers who brought different ideas and perspectives to the group.

I had already signed up to complete my advanced training when I registered for the Foundations course, and I am glad that I did. I still feel that I can incorporate yoga into how I work with children with speech-language needs, particularly those with diagnoses like Autism and other self-regulatory challenges to help and guide them towards being the best communicators that they can be!”