Level 2 General Information Form for YKAs Name Email How effectively did the trainer present the material? (5 being most effective and 1 being least effective) 1 2 3 4 5 How useful are the techniques you were taught? (5 being incredibly useful and 1 being not at all useful) 1 2 3 4 5 Do you feel you had the opportunity to share ideas and ask questions? Definitely Sometimes No way What was your favorite part of the training? What was your least favorite part of the training? Was the day/time of the live webinars convenient for you? If not, what day/time would you have preferred? How did you hear about YogaKids? Internet search (Google or other) Hosting Studio Personal Referral Social Media (Facebook or other) Yoga Journal Ad Other Have you signed up for Full Certification? Yes No If you have not yet signed up for Full Certification, can you tell us why not? Do you know of anyone who would like to join our mission to empower kids to love and learn through yoga? Please provide their email addresses here, and we will let them know you thought they would be interested in learning about ways to plant the seeds for a healthier, happier, more peaceful generation. Do you have anything else you'd like to tell us? Please share! Can we use your evaluation in our promotional materials? Uncheck if the answer is "no." Recaptcha If you are a human seeing this field, please leave it empty.