Amy Cohen

CYKT Master Mentor

Certified YogaKids Teacher Amy Cohn

Amy has been a practicing Pediatric Speech-Language Pathologist for over 20 years and has treated a lot of children in Early Intervention, Preschool and School Ages on Long Island, NY. After completing her YogaKids certification (because she needed more yoga!), Amy became a 200 hour Yoga Alliance certified Teacher and has recently completed her 500 hour Yoga Alliance certification. She is continuing in her yoga education to become a Yoga Therapist with Cora Wen of Yoga Bloom and wants to take this education to continue working with the Special Needs population. In addition to her speech practice, she currently teaches Yoga Kids classes, Special Needs classes and classes for Teens and Adults.

5 Questions for Amy!

What does yoga mean to you?  

Yoga keeps me grounded! If it wasn’t for yoga, I wouldn’t be able to breath and laugh things off. I have a very busy life and if it wasn’t for yoga, I wouldn’t be able to do ALL I do!

How has yoga ( and YogaKids) changed your life?  

I’m a pediatric Speech Pathologist and treat kids on the spectrum and with other disorders. Yoga has helped me through many difficult life situations. I already had a career when I found YogaKids over 10 years ago, but YogaKids made my speech practice and life more complete. Yoga became a passion for me. It taught me that I can do anything I set my mind to and this is what I try to instill in my students (aside from so many other things)

What life lessons have you learned from the kids you’ve taught?  

I have learned that it’s so important to laugh when things get difficult (even though you may not want to in an adult world). Also to Go With the Flow. Things don’t always go the way you want, but you must go with the flow and just DO and just BE in the moment. Kids live in the moment! If adults can learn to do that too we might be a happier place!

What is your favorite YogaKids pose and why?  Your favorite Element?

My favorite pose is Moo/ Meow (Cow/Cat). Aside from the wonderful physical benefits you get from this pose (Awesome Anatomy), as a Speech Pathologist I love the talking aspect (speech) of this pose. Saying the sounds M- oo/ M e o w works on articulation and oral motor movement in the mouth. I also love Down Diggity Dog Down ( for the same reasons). My favorite YogaKids Eement is RCAWY. There are so many things you can get from books with children. You can plan a whole theme or class from just one book. 

What is your biggest challenge as a YogaKids teacher-and what resources help you with it?

My biggest challenge is not having enough time to teach more children. Since I have a Speech Pathology practice, I can’t spend as much time as I’d like teaching yoga to kids. I do try to use YogaKids in my speech practice AS MUCH AS POSSIBLE! 

Huntingon, New York, USA