A sun salutation in yoga is a sequence of poses, linked together with your breath. They are a wonderful way to wake up in the morning, and celebrate the sun and how it helps give life to all living things. This winter, you can do a new version of this — a SNOW SALUTATION — and offer up some gratitude to this magical, festive season.
- Reach your arms up high and grab some snowflakes.
- Bend forward at your waist and pat the snow on the ground.
- Lift half way up to look up at the snow falling.
- Jump your feet backwards like a snowshoe rabbit. Keep your elbows hugging next to your ribs, and slowly lower your body down to the soft fluffy snow.
- Press your mittens into the snow and look up (Snake). Catch some snowflakes with your tongue.
- Roll over on to your back and make a snow angel.
- Roll back to your belly and take a little rest in Child’s Pose. You are a little mouse in the snow.
- Lift your bum up and press down. Now you’re a wolf in the snow (Down Diggety Doggie Down). Howl!
- Bend your knees, look at your hands and jump forward like a snowshoe rabbit.
- Pat the snow on the ground.
- Stand up, and reach up for some more snowflakes with your mittens.
- Look up! Stick out your tongue and catch some!
- Bring your hands to your heart center in Namaste pose.
- Repeat!
Idea by: Certified YogaKids Teacher Kathleen Abell