What letters are to the left of the L? What letters are to the right? L is for Love. L is for Light. L is for Left. Right?

- Sit down.
- Extend your legs straight ahead. Press them into the floor. Flex your feet.
- Drop your shoulders away from your ears.
- Place one hand alongside of you. Use that arm to keep your spine long.
- Stretch the other hand in front of you. Make a capital L with your pointer finger and thumb. You’ll know you’ve got the left hand right if those 2 fingers look like an L.
- Move your L-shaped body to the left. Waddle sideways on your sit bones. Steer with the L finger wheel.
- Recite the letters of the alphabet backwards to the left of L:, K , J, etc.
- Come back to center. Realign in L.
- Move to the right, steering with your L finger wheel.
- Alphabetize forward from M to Z.
Note to Parents and Teachers
Use this pose to help teach children left from right. Seeing the L shape of their hand in front of their eyes and feeling the L shape of their body will help ingrain the letter L.
For young children, L is one of the letters that gets transposed. Usually around age 5, most can recognize if the L is backwards or not. If your children aren’t sure about left and right, use L is for Left techniques to help them learn.
Activity Ideas for Home or Classroom
Laughing Language
Make up, tell or write a story about a little lizard named Leftie and a row boat named right, who could only row to the right.
Visual Vignettes
Draw all the things you can think of that begin with an L (for example, lollipops and ladders). How about those that begin with an R (for example, rabbit, radio and rooster)?
Body Benefits
This pose will keep the hips and sacro-iliac joint flexible and fluid.