It’s so important to count your blessings! Our Blessings Jar began several years back on November 1s. We would nightly write what we were thankful for on a slip of paper and place it in the “Blessings Jar” that rested on the kitchen table. We would watch our blessings grow as the jar became fuller and fuller. One evening, my daughter asked if she could write more than one blessing to be placed in the jar. Of course! Write down all your blessings.
On Thanksgiving ,we would read what everyone had written in the weeks prior. However, one Thanksgiving about two years ago, we visited our out-of-town family for Thanksgiving and didn’t bring our Blessing Jar with us. Upon returning home, my oh-so-smart daughter said “let’s not read them but wait till New Year’s Eve and watch the jar get fuller.”
Our once Thanksgiving Blessings Jar is now an Everyday Blessing Jar. On January 1st we empty the jar to remember all our Blessings from throughout the year. I have to admit it was a GREAT way to start the new year. As we eat dinner each of us choose a “blessing” (slip of paper with a blessing written on it) from the jar, read it aloud then passed the jar to next person to continue till the jar was empty and our hearts were full.
I was in complete awe listening to what others found important, blessed or special in the months prior. There were even days and events that I had forgotten. Not only was this a great way to “count our blessings” but also a nice revisit to the special and everyday events we all encountered.
When we were finished revisiting our blessings, I place the small blessings paper in a special envelope marked “2013 Blessings.” In the years to come, it will be fun to return to the envelop to listen to our blessings and see our child’s handwriting, vocabulary and spelling evolve.
I look forward to watching the jar fill, grow and runneth over with love and gratitude for all our blessings.
Join our tradition of the Blessings Jar.
- Choose a jar of your choice – mason jar, recycle jelly jar, pretty jar from the store… look for something that speaks to you.
- Decorate your jar with your favorite colors, ribbon, yard, stickers. Be creative. Make it yours.
- Place paper and pen next to your jar to record your daily blessings.
- Or place a stone, marble or trinket into the jar every time they feel blessed to watch their blessing grow.
Make this project yours. We would love to hear what you do or see a photo of your blessings jar. May you be blessed with love and gratitude,