We All Win | Online Course

Online Kids Yoga Training

Give your career the boost it needs!

Got challenges teaching kids? This totally online kids yoga training can help YOU!

We asked our community a question. What are the biggest challenges you face? And they told us — allowing us to develop this online kids yoga training. As the pioneer of children’s yoga (having been in the business of children’s yoga for over 30 years) — we are in a unique position to give solutions to these challenges. We gathered together a few amazing teachers and trainers from our global community. And we spoke with them 1-on-1 about how THEY face these everyday challenges. Find out what they said — and how YOU can achieve more success and happiness in the arena of children’s yoga!

Expert Help for All of Your Life’s Biggest Challenges

This online kids yoga training is comprised of 6 webinars. They will give you the tools you need to be successful teaching yoga to children. Each session features an expert in the field. Plus, you’ll also get access to the experts in an exclusive online forum — ask questions and get answers anytime!


Online Kids Yoga Training Session #1

Tick Tock Goes the Clock: A Yogi’s Guide to Time Management

Presented with: Alicia Mauldin, Certified YogaKids Teacher and Trainer

Without question — the MOST often-mentioned challenge from our community is time management! Learn the elements that need to fill your day — and how you can balance them — so that you can feel successful, satisfied, and HAPPY.

seed-risingOnline Kids Yoga Training Session #2

How to Make a Living Teaching Yoga to Kids

Presented with: Erin Carter, Certified YogaKids Teacher and Master Mentor

Erin Carter is a YogaKids Teacher in the Boston area. Listen as she shares how she built a satisfying and successful career teaching children’s yoga. Learn strategies for  marketing your business, serving your community, and – most importantly — how to stay focused and passionate about what you’re doing!

Solution, arrow, sign.

Online Kids Yoga Training Session #3

Let’s All Get Bendy: Effective Classroom Management Techniques

Presented with: Cathy Bjorndalen, Certified YogaKids Teacher and Master Mentor

Being a good teacher isn’t enough. All teachers need classroom management skills to be effective. Learn amazing (and simple!) strategies to manage any kind of class — so that the children you teach get the most from your efforts!

teensOnline Kids Yoga Training Session #4

Growing Up YK: Teaching Teens the YogaKids Way

Presented with: Karen Martin, Certified YogaKids Teacher and Master Mentor

Teaching teens can be an amazing and rewarding experience — they benefit SO much from the social and physical benefits of yoga! Learn effective and unique techniques for how to reach this population.

Preschool, Child, Painting.

Online Kids Yoga Training Session #5

Our Littlest Yogis: Teaching Early and Preschool-Age Children

Presented with: Sara Morris, Certified YogaKids Teacher and Trainer

How can you get a 3-year old to stay on a yoga mat? How can keep them engaged? Sara shares all her techniques for teaching the littlest yogis.


Online Kids Yoga Training Session #6

Everyone’s Included: Inclusion for Kids with Special Considerations

Presented with: Alicia Mauldin, Certified YogaKids Teacher and Trainer

Every teacher will encounter children with special needs. How can EVERY child find success in your class? Discover just what it means to teach in an inclusive style.

Opportunity, inspirational, enthusiasm.

Bonus Session

The Secret Ingredients: What Makes a YogaKids Class So Amazing!

Presented with: Julie Pate, Certified YogaKids Teacher and Master Mentor

A YogaKids class is SO DIFFERENT from any other kids yoga class. Find out why in this special bonus session!


Free Gift!

You’ll also receive downloadable music from our Musical Musings Vol 1!

This online kids yoga training is open to all! 

We hope you join our course and enjoy the benefit of our experience! When we work together for success… WE ALL WIN!